Chiropractor in Denver

Chiropractic Care And Shoulder Pain Management

​​Chiropractor for shoulder pain: Shoulder pain can be caused by disease or injury of the shoulder joint. Injury can affect any of the tendons, bursae, or ligaments surrounding the shoulder joint. Injury can also affect the bones of joint, menisci, cartilage, and the ligaments.  Being an extremely movable joint that plays a main part in the action of a major extremity, the shoulder is always at risk for injury.

Shoulder pain is often caused by the incorrect shoulder position that puts pressure on the nerves and tendons of the rotator cuff for being swollen or due to injury. Other possibilities that can cause shoulder pain are:

·        Arthritis in shoulder joints.

·        Bursitis, inflammation of a fluid-filled sac that is inside the joints, helping shoulder to move better.

·        Frozen shoulder syndrome, stiff tendons, muscles and ligaments of the shoulder causing pain on movement.

·        Fracture or dislocation of the shoulder.

How Chiropractic care helps in managing shoulder pain?

At first the chiropractic specialist will perform a few neurological tests on cervical and dorsal column, to determine which nerves are pinched and which part of the shoulder is affected. Also examine the mechanics and posture shoulder to check what changes must be added to reduce pain and muscle stress on the shoulder. A chiropractic care relieves pressure on the nerves and muscles to re-stabilize the movement and position of the shoulder. Each chiropractic session can help to strengthen the shoulder by using some specific exercises of ART techniques. is a team of - Certified Chiropractors of Denver Chiropractic Center, provides the best chiropractic care to their patients. They offer effective and mild chiropractic treatments that will help to get out of pain and will restore and rehabilitate spine to increase your general health and wellness.